Message from the organizers
The fields of Cognitive Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are experiencing unprecedented growth nowadays. Because an intelligent robot is a physically situated intelligent agent, the tools and techniques for designing purposive, intelligent, and adaptive robot capabilities significantly overlap with AI’s methodologies and approaches. These range from the older symbolic mechanisms of knowledge representations, reasoning, and planning to the current techniques on reinforcement learning, transformers, and Large Language Models. This field of combining AI and Robotics is referred to as “Intelligent Robotics,” “Robotics & AI,” or “Cognitive Robotics.” As defined in the 1998 AAAI Winter Workshops, Cognitive Robotics is “concerned with integrating reasoning, perception and action within a uniform theoretical and implementation framework”. Cangelosi and Asada, in the recent book Cognitive Robotics, define the field as combining insights and methods from AI and cognitive and biological sciences to robotics.
In this spirit, we are organizing a half-day workshop on Cognitive Robotics and AI that will take place during the 13th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN) in Piraeus, Greece, on September 12, 2024, from 15:00 to 19:00. The workshop will feature invited talks from community leaders and a pitch session with contributed papers.
Please get in touch with the organisers with any questions at yaloimo (at)