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DemocritusKonstantinos Charalampous' s Website

Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion. - Democritus (460 B.C. 370 B. C.)

I was born and brought up in Thessaloniki, Macedonia in Greece on June the 28-th, 1986. After high school graduation I was accepted in the Department of Computer Science in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. I graduated in 2009 and by that time I was also became accepted in the respective postgraduate studies programme. I obtained my M.Sc. in July, 2011 following the pathway of Digital Media. Then, I carried out my military service in the corps of Research and Informatics of the Greek Army. My profound attraction to machine intelligence and brain understanding was the stepping stone to become a Ph. D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. Antonios Gasteratos in the Department of Production and Management Engineering of Democritus University of Thrace.

My undergraduate thesis was entitled "Brain Response Analysis using Co-clustering Techniques", whilst the corresponding M.Sc. thesis was "Brain Response Proccessing using Information Representation Techniques and Application in Brain - Computer Interface". Through my research as a Ph. D. candidate I have the ambition to derive machine learning methodologies regarding the human - robot interaction.


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